“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. ”
Admissions Process
Step 1 : Tour and Information
Schedule a tour of the school. During this visit, the caregiver will have an opportunity to observe the classrooms, review a curriculum and student data profile, and ask questions pertinent to the program.
Step 2 : Review of Student Records
The caregiver will provide any pertinent documentation including education plan, report card, transcript, and professional testing/evaluation reports for Administrative review.
Step 3 : Placement Assessment
A schedule will be determined to allow for the child to visit a classroom and participate in informal assessment. We prefer that the child visit on three separate dates to ensure “good fit” and to allow for acclimation to the campus setting
Step 4 : Placement Determination
The Director will contact the child’s caregiver to discuss availability of placement if recommended as a result of the placement assessment. If a space is not available, “wait list” procedures will be discussed. If placement is not deemed appropriate at Tampa Pinnacle Academy, a list of recommendations and resources may be provided. The Administration reserves the right to determine appropriateness of acceptance and placement due to goodness of fit for the student and the existing students. In some cases, a prospective student’s needs may exceed available supports, services, and expertise within our program.
Step 5 : Acceptance
Upon determination of placement availability and successful visitation, the caregiver will connect with the Business Office to discuss the enrollment process and to determine a start date
Tuition Rates
Parents/Guardians are solely responsible for the student’s tuition, regardless of other funding sources. Tuition will not be refunded if a student should withdraw during the academic year. If there are changes to state or private scholarship funds, the parents will be responsible to meet the full financial obligation of the annual tuition. The parent/guardian acknowledges the financial obligation to the Academy and will be responsible for all collections and/or legal fees incurred to collect any outstanding balance.
Application Fee $50 New students only. Due with application.
Registration Fee $600 This is an annual fee. Due with enrollment.
Tuition Fees Vary based on classroom placement. Tuition may not be determined until a classroom is selected.
2024 - 2025 Annual Tuition Rates
Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities (FES-UA)
This branch of the Family Empowerment Scholarship Program is designed to offer families of students with disabilities, as young as 3 years of age, access to additional education options. Families may take the opportunity to receive a personal education savings account (ESA) for their student. With an ESA, parents receive a deposit of public funds into government-authorized savings accounts with restricted, but multiple, uses. An ESA can be used to fund not only items such as private school tuition and fees, but also online learning programs, private tutoring, community college costs, higher education expenses and other approved customized learning services and materials. Families apply and annually renew for participation in FES UA through one of the approved scholarship funding organizations (SFOs), which are responsible for determining eligibility, awarding and distributing funding to eligible student accounts, and approving eligible expenditures.
How do I apply?
If you are interested in applying for either branch of the Family Empowerment Scholarship Program, please contact one of the two scholarship funding organizations that administers these programs:
A.A.A. Scholarship Foundation- FL, LLC
P.O. Box 15719, Tampa, FL 33684
Phone/Fax: 888-707-2465
Step Up For Students
P.O. Box 54367
Jacksonville, FL 32245-4367
*These funds are offered by the FLDOE and are not regulated by the Tampa Pinnacle Academy.
The Pinnacle Academy makes no discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnic background, country of origin,
or gender in the administration of education policies, application for admission, or payment program.